Company Announcement

We are pleased to announce that Andersen Manufacturing is now under new ownership. While this has been a great move for our company, it has been an even better move for all of our hitch dealers because we no longer use a middle-man, but now sell DIRECTLY to all of our dealers!

Andersen Manufacturings goal is to pass on HUGE savings to you, and in turn you can offer lower price points on the entire line of Andersen products –including the new and exciting EZ Hitch that retails for only $99!

Be assured that we will continue to provide the same high quality products and innovation on which we have built our 45-year reputation.

We hope that you will let us continue to serve your business in a way that is beneficial and profitable for your Company.

If you have any questions regarding our Dealer Direct Program please feel free to call our office (800)635-6106.